Crafting dreams | Sarina Russo

Crafting dreams

By Sarina Russo Editorial Team
Farah and a photo of her product
Crafting dreams

Farah Youssef's journey into the world of entrepreneurship was born out of a desire to provide an additional stream of income for her family. Her passion for creativity, coupled with a longing to be a role model for her two children, pushed her to explore uncharted territories.

As a self-employment enthusiast, Farah found her calling in crafting unique products, a venture that blended her creativity with commerce. The birth of her brainchild,, marked a significant milestone in her entrepreneurial journey.

One of the key pillars supporting Farah's entrepreneurial dream was her partnership with Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs. The guidance and mentorship provided by the program acted as a compass, steering her towards success in the realm of e-commerce.

With a background in management and a strong will to succeed in this new venture, Farah embarked on a journey of self-education. Her learning process involved watching videos on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, absorbing knowledge about running an e-commerce store.

Acknowledging the complexity of certain tasks, Farah sought assistance from a web developer. This partnership proved invaluable, helping her navigate the intricacies of setting up an e-store and handling the more technical aspects of her e-commerce venture.

Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs Business Coach, Louise Marshall, played a pivotal role in Farah's journey. Offering valuable insights, encouragement, and a roadmap to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape, Louise helped Farah build confidence and turn her passion into a thriving business.

Farah's determination to give back to the community is evident through her initiative to supply products for local schools and chambers of commerce for fundraisers or raffles. This act of kindness showcases her commitment to being a responsible entrepreneur, enriching not only her business but also the community she operates in.

Every sale she gets is not just a transaction; it's a testament to her dedication and hard work. The joy she experiences when her crafted products find new homes is palpable, underscoring her passion for what she does.

Want help to manage and grow your small business?

Sarina Russo offers accredited small business training that can help turn your business idea into reality. In conjunction with the Self-Employment Assistance program, Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs enables Australians to set up and run their own small business. The Self-Employment Assistance is 100% Australian Government funded.

Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs supports candidates as they complete Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business. During this, candidates create a comprehensive business plan and a two-year financial cash forecast. SRE Trainers provide meaningful mentoring for the first twelve months.

Eligible candidates receive the training and support to create a viable business plan, in addition to obtaining a Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business.

For more information, please click here.

Sarina Russo Group acknowledges the First Nations Peoples of this Country, the traditional custodians connected to the land, water and community on which we live, work and help others to live their best lives. We also pay respect to the Elders past, present and emerging, who strive to build a better and more sustainable future for future generations to come.